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The VivaMK Opportunity

 Start your own VivaMK business

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Discover an opportunity that suits you and your family

Maybe you have heard of our VivaMK opportunity before.  With VivaMK you can earn an income  from Day 1 , either by delivering and collecting the VivaMK catalogues in your local area or work online, using Social Media platforms or other third e-commerce sites.

As a distributor of VivaMK you reap several rewards. You earn 25% retail commission on every product that has been sold , plus other bonuses , depending on the 4 weeks business turnover

Achieve success and your goals with VivaMK
Other benefits are also, as a distributor you get discounts on every product, if you want to buy them for yourselves. 

Do you want to find out more? Head over to this VivaMK website and find out more and browse our  catalogues.


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